Sunday, August 2, 2009

Standing Tall

Watching Evalyn has been so amazing this month. She learns so fast, it's just incredible. She went from crawling to pulling herself up to stand in about 3 days. She's a master crawler now; I think she could do about a 7 minute mile, at least that's how it feels to try to keep up with her. She's pulling herself up on anything that will stand still long enough including animals, our legs, and typically things that will fall over and land on her. She loves standing and looking out our living room window. I think she probably knows all the neighborhood gossip from watching everyone out that window.
She loves being just a little scared and squeals with delight when she's spun around fast or swung high on the swing or when her papa crashes her little push cars into the walls.
She is sprouting two front teeth as well, just barely out of the gums as of this post. This perhaps explains some crabbiness and sleepnessless as of late.
She's been watched all summer by a mix of her grandmas and her aunt Kari (thanks guys!) but will be going back to Michelle's soon. I loved having her spend time with my family, but I'm sure she'll enjoy being with all Michelle's kids again! Next post she'll be nine months old! I can't believe I'm already thinking about her birthday party. Didn't I just have her yesterday?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big hugs and kisses from Grandma
Kris. I have loved taking care of Eva this summer. I will miss her when I go back to work. God bless sassy pants!