Finally getting another post up!
Evalyn is now 9.5 months old. She is still totalling along furniture and standing on her own, but no walking on her own yet. Her little two front teeth come in more every day. She's eating so many new foods too....today she tried mac and cheese! She loves to eat! I think she'd chose to eat over a bottle almost always.
Her grandma Babb bought her a pony she loves to ride and a kitchen! She can only reach the lower cabinets so far, but loves chewing on the play food!
I live for her smile and feel her anger or sadness like my own. I can't believe there was a time when she wasn't here....how did I get up every morning without her insistent squeals or go to bed without checking for her steady breathing under my hand?
I can't wait to see what the next months and years bring for her.